Career exploration
Learn about how to incorporate career exploration activities into your child's life. At the same time, find resources that can help your child explore career paths.
Parent Guides
What will I be? Exploring Interests and Goals With Your Child
Includes conversation starters and activities
National PTA
Provides career assessment, webinars to learn about career options with your child
Career Exploration Tools
Oregon Connections
Set up an account for your child. Use the career exploration tool and watch virtual industry tours
State of Oregon Employment Department
Utilize the career explorer tool and look at occupation profiles
Oregon CareerExplorer
Provides activities, assessments, pathways to help exploration
Career One Stop
Learn about careers, find career information, and locate career resources and advice with this U.S. Department of Labor Resource
Resources for post-secondary education
Learn about how you can help your child prepare for college application process, choosing the right school and applying for career and technical programs, etc.
College Board
Information tailored for parents' whose child is applying to college
Parent's Guide to College and Career Readiness ​​
Organized by grade level
National PTA
Information about preparing and applying for college, choosing the right school, etc.
Career and Technical Education
Umpqua Community College
List of all Career and Technical Education programs
Discover trade programs available for your child
Financial Aid/ Scholarships
A common concern for parents is how to pay for college. The following resources will explain FAFSA/ORSAA and how you can afford college fees.
Oregon Student Aid
Learn about Oregon's financial aid opportunities
Student Aid
Resources tailored for parents to understand college costs, FAFSA, loans
Umpqua Community College
Guidance for applying for financial aid
FAQs about Financial Aid
Start completing the form with your child
Financial Aid application for undocumented students
Office of Student Access and Completion
Timeline and deadlines for scholarship applications
OSAC Application for $10 million scholarships
Oregon Grants
Includes Oregon's Promise Grant, Opportunity Grant, Student Child Care Grant, etc.
Umpqua Community College
Find UCC Foundation and outside scholarships